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Social Anxiety


Social Anxiety or Social Phobia is not just extreme shyness and hesitancy in social situations. There is a desire to connect with others, but the amount of fear and/or stress that is caused by the social interactions often leads to individuals opting out of social situations. This type of anxiety can stifle the advancement of social and professional relationships and inhibit quality connections. Adults with social anxiety may avoid social outings or group events and may feel extremely self-conscious in groups of people. Adults with social anxiety may worry that others do not like them, yet they do not take the initiative to establish connections with others. Work, social events, or interpersonal encounters may lead to extreme feelings of discomfort or panic. Social anxiety can effectively be treated through therapy. Thinking strategies, behavioral management of physical responses, and adjustments to socialization approaches can all aid in overcoming social anxiety.


Signs and symptoms may include:

• Excessive shyness or discomfort in social situations

• Physical symptoms of anxiety including nervous stomach, sweatiness, rapid heartbeat

• Fear or avoidance of new situations that involve social contact

• Exaggerated focus and negative appraisal of what others may be thinking about you



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