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Obsessive Compulsive Disorder


Obsessive Compulsive Disorder consists of a combination of obsessions and compulsions. Obsessions are unwanted and uncontrollable thoughts that are typically unusual, unrealistic, or feel inappropriate in nature. These thoughts cannot be controlled and cause anxiety for the child or adolescent experiencing them.

Compulsions can be physical or mental acts performed in response to the obsessions such as counting, checking, excessive time with washing or hygiene related activities, among others. Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder can be extremely frustrating and lead to depression for the person experiencing these symptoms. Children and teens may attempt to remain secretive about obsessions and compulsions out of fear of having to disclose their unusual thinking or behavior to others. Treatment for obsessive-compulsive disorder consists of helping the child or teen gain increased control over obsessive thinking and working to create behavior plans that will help control anxiety and reduce compulsive behavior.


Signs and symptoms may include:

• Unusual or excessive behaviors such as counting, washing, or checking

• Physical symptoms of anxiety

• Difficulty functioning socially or academically due to obsessions or compulsions interfering or taking too much time

• Extreme rigidity of thoughts and behaviors, black or white thinking

• Feeling of not being in control of one’s own thoughts or behaviors


Therapy can help children and teens:

• More effectively cope with stressors and problems

• Improve relationships at home with family

• Increase social effectiveness and improve peer relations

• Feel more self-confident and comfortable

• Feel less depressed and anxious and experience more happiness

• Improve academic functioning and pursue goals

• Learn anger management strategies

• Stop making poor choices with harmful or potentially harmful consequences



Ready to get started? Allow us to help you today.

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