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Obsessive Compulsive Disorder


Obsessive Compulsive Disorder consists of a combination of obsessions and compulsions. Obsessions are defined as unwanted and uncontrollable thoughts that are often worrisome, unusual, unrealistic, and/or inappropriate in nature. These thoughts are anxiety inducing.
Compulsions are ritualistic like behaviors that are performed in response to these obsessive thoughts. Adults will typically recognize that the obsessions are irrational yet, feel they do not have the ability to control their thinking. Adults will often feel embarrassed about the content or nature of their obsessions and may sometimes feel as if they are the only ones experiencing such unusual or bizarre thoughts. Obsessive Compulsive Disorder is a common anxiety disorder that can be helped with cognitive and behavioral therapy.


Signs and symptoms may include:

• Unusual or excessive behaviors such as counting, washing, or checking

• Physical symptoms of anxiety

• Difficulty functioning socially, occupationally, or in relationships due to obsessions or compulsions interfering or taking up too much time

• Extreme rigidity of thought and behavior, black or white thinking

• Feeling of not being in control of your own thoughts or behaviors



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