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Family Therapy



Family therapy can be a useful approach to help address a wide variety of emotional and behavioral problems with individuals in a family or address overall problems in family functioning. Goals in family therapy can include improving communication, developing, reviewing, and enhancing effective behavior plans to help change behavior in children or teens, and helping families to better support one another. The family therapist works to provide a framework for more effective communication and problem-solving within the family unit.

Family therapy is sometimes included in addition to individual therapy with a child or adolescent or can be a primary mode of treatment for many types of problems. Family therapy has been shown to be effective in treating a number of emotional and mental health problems.


Typical goals in family therapy include:

• Improve communication and cooperation among family members

• Develop strategies to avoid power struggles, arguments, and emotional outbursts

• Learn to effectively manage and prevent tantrums and defiance in children and adolescents

• Reduce emotional and behavioral symptoms of mental illness and develop strategies to support one another

• Decrease overall stress and create a more positive atmosphere within the family

• Cultivate a more loving and supportive atmosphere in the home


Ready to get started? Allow us to help you today.

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