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Depression can affect anyone from young to mature adults and may not even be connected to a specific stressor or event. However, increased stress or difficult events in an individual’s life can often worsen symptoms of depression.

Depression can lead to difficulties with work, school, and social relationships, as well as daily basic functioning. Symptoms of depression can range from minor to severe and should be taken seriously with the understanding that it impacts emotional health and functioning, and physical health.

Depression can be a serious and severe condition that can alter thoughts that impact decision making which can lead to dangerous and destructive behaviors.


Signs and Symptoms of Depression may include:

• Depressed, sad, or irritable mood

• Social withdrawal

• Loss of interest in activities that used to bring pleasure

• Lowered motivation

• Ambivalence and self-neglect

• Lowered self-esteem

• Feelings of helplessness or hopelessness

• Low frustration tolerance, agitation, difficulty getting along with others

• Somatic symptoms such as tiredness or fatigue

• Suicidal ideation, gestures, or attempts

• Anxiety

• Increased alcohol or drug use


Effective treatments for depression can include therapy, as well as medication prescribed through a general doctor or psychiatrist. The combination of medication and therapy may prove to be the most effective treatment for moderate to severe depression. Therapy will often focus on helping to increase insight and the overall understanding of your depression. It can also aid in enhancing motivation, identifying and replacing negative thinking and behavioral patterns with healthier ones. Some or all of these tools can improve relationships. Therapy provides a confidential and supportive environment to discuss problems associated with depression. Finding a therapist with whom one is comfortable with is an especially important factor in ensuring the success of therapy.


Therapy goals for depression typically include:

• Stabilize and improve mood through learning how to identify thoughts and behaviors that lead to depressed and sad feelings and strategies to change thoughts and actions

• Examine life stressors and other possible origins of depressed feelings and create strategies to change, resolve, and/or cope with stressors and problems

• Improve motivation and increase goal directed behaviors by reassessing priorities and activity scheduling

• Gain insight into behaviors and thinking that decrease self-esteem and happiness and develop skills to feel happier and more confident

• Examine relationship stress and reassess approaches to create healthier and more positive relationships

• Improve ability to cope with stressors and effectively deal with adversity


***Adults sometimes do not recognize that they are depressed. It is common for adults to feel that there is nothing they can do about their depressed mood or feel embarrassed or anxious to talk about these feelings. Depression, especially in men, can often present as agitation or irritability instead of sadness. In fact, irritability, difficulty enjoying oneself, and low frustration tolerance are common symptoms of depression. Anxiety is also a common component of depression.
Depression is no one’s fault and the causes of depression vary. While genetically some individuals may be more vulnerable to depression and life stressors that can lead to symptoms, depression can affect anyone. For those suffering from depression, everyday tasks can become difficult and activities that once brought joy can lose their appeal. Depression can negatively affect relationships.



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