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Social Anxiety Disorder


Social Anxiety or Social Phobia is not just shyness, it is the extreme end of shyness in social situations that results in anxiety that further prevents interaction in social situations. While some children may be quieter and prefer solitary activities, social anxiety typically results in the child or teen experiencing anxiety in social situations. The anxiety produces significant discomfort and may limit the child or teen causing them to withdrawal or to avoid certain situations. In social anxiety there is typically a hypersensitivity to social interactions triggering mental and physical anxiety responses that accompany these situations. Children may avoid group events, school, or social functions that would place them in contact with other children or adults. A child or teen may also feel very self-conscious about the fact that they become overly anxious in situations and this may lead to feelings of sadness or depression. Social anxiety can often effectively be treated by therapy. Thinking strategies, behavioral management of physical anxiety symptoms, and social skills training often aid the child or adolescent in overcoming social anxiety.


Signs and symptoms may include:

• Excessive shyness or discomfort in social situations

• Physical symptoms of anxiety including nervous stomach, sweatiness, and rapid heartbeat

• Fear or avoidance of new situations that involve social contact

• Exaggerated focus and negative appraisal of what others may be thinking about oneself sometimes called the imaginary audience effect



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